The average salary for a moderate income per person is between $1300-$1500. Rent is about $700-$900 for a flat per month depending on the city your moving to, but leaving only couple of hundreds dollars to live. Usually couples both work so they can have an average life, and to have the basis in life. When Spain converted their money from Pesetas to Euros, the average cost of living increased noticeable, but salaries stayed the low. One of the benefits of moving to Spain is that they have free health insurance and their inhabitant becomes great assistance through the social security system. Transportation is relatively inexpensive, and they have great public commute services, such as Metro and Buses. Due to its beautiful weather throughout the year and their amazing warmth culture, Spain will always be, one of the most popular countries when you are thinking about an international moving.
Cost of Living in Spain
The cost of living in Spain might be lower than other countries in Europe, but this is due to the low salaries and high unemployment rates that the country has. Spain is one of the cities chosen by Europeans such as English and Germans to move to, because is relative less expensive than in their home country. For example a cup of coffee in England can cost 3 pounds while in Spain 1 Euro, which makes a huge different and you can buy 3 cups of coffee in Spain for the price of one cup of coffee in England.